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Development and Initial Assessment of Objective Fatigue Measures for Apple Harvest Work

Author: Earle-Richardson, Giulia; Jenkins, Paul L.
Date Published: 2006

Previous research has shown that neck, back and shoulder musculoskeletal strain is a major occupational health problem affecting migrant orchard harvest workers. Researchers seek to measure the effect of an ergonomic modification to the apple picking bucket on muscle fatigue, however objective measures for use in the orchard are not yet available. The purpose of this study is to develop simple back, shoulder or arm strength measures, which detect statistically significant drops in strength over one workday. Candidate's muscle strength measures were piloted in the laboratory, adapted for the orchard and evaluated (n ¼ 102). Data were analyzed for morning to afternoon fatigue, and for correlation between fatigue score and hours worked. In the laboratory, the timed arm hold (35.7% time reduction, 95% CI: 21.8149.61), and the timed spinal extension (31.8% time reduction, 95% CI: 23.5439.96) showed significant fatigue. In the orchard (n ¼ 102), only the timed arm hold showed significant (11.4%, po.0001) fatigue. The potential effect of field conditions and subject motivation on these results needs further exploration.

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Number of Pages: 9