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Interstate Migrant Education Task Force: Migrant Health

Author: Education Commission of the States
Date Published: 1979

One of the continuing concerns of the Education Commission of the States Interstate Migrant Education Project since its inception in 1976 has been the health of migrant workers and their families. Although the health of migrant children and their families has not been emphasized per se, due to the educational focus of the project, the task force has generally agreed that this is an area of vital concern, particularly as it relates to successful participation in education programs. As expressed in early task force deliberations, the rationale for addressing migrant health needs is that it is difficult to effectively educate migrant children if they are sick, hungry, poorly clothed or housed, or if any members of their families, particularly relevant for the migrant child because of the inherent lifestyle of the interstate migrant family. The lifestyle of the interstate migrant farmworker and his family is characterized by frequent moves, substandard housing, inadequate plumbing, and limited access to quality medical and dental services. The migrant farmworker and his family are entitled to parity health, economic opportunity and educational access. Optimal health is important to educational achievement and overall development of all children and should, therefore, be equally emphasized for the migrant child.

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Number of Pages: 57