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Family First Aid Guide / Guia Familiar de Primeros Auxilios

Author: Alfich, Robert Dr.; Moya, Eva
Date Published: 1999

This bilingual first aid guide covers basic first aid information for families. It offers information specific to the care of a child, including: poisoning, the use of a thermometer, fever, vomiting, infant diarrhea and diarrhea in a child over age one, sore throat, earache, diaper rash, and home treatment of head lice and chicken pox. It also offers general first aid information discussing such topics as: wounds, fractures and sprains, burns, abdominal pain, diabetes, chest pain, seizures, bee stings and insect bites, poisonous spiders and snakes, ticks and lyme disease, poison ivy, oak, and sumac, and fungal infections.

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Price: free
Number of Pages: 55